Note: The Required column includes the following values:
Required: The field must be included in the POST call.
Read-only: The field is received in the GET call and required in the PUT call. It is not required in the POST call. You cannot edit this field.
Optional: If the field was received in the GET call, include it in the PUT call. This field is editable.
Internal: (For Amazon Ad Server (AAS) internal use) If the field was received in the GET call, include it in the PUT call.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Notes |
type |
Type of entity. |
String |
Required |
HTML5SingleExpandableBannerAd |
panels |
List of the ad's panels. |
Array of panel Object |
Optional |
panelsSettings |
Settings related to the panels that will expand in the ad. |
Required |
containsNonWorkspaceAssets |
Internal. |
Internal |
Internal |
html5 |
Workspace used in the ad. |
Required |
authoringTool |
Authoring tool used to create the ad. |
String |
Read-only |
allowHTML5DynamicExpansion |
Determines if the expansion will be fixed or according location on the page. |
Boolean |
Required |
If true, panel will not be fixed. |
adSmartVersionSchema |
Includes smart elements. |
Optional |
disableIncomplete |
Internal |
Internal |
Internal |
enableRetargeting |
Determines whether multiple retargeting tags and values can be set for each version of a Dynamic Creative ad. |
Boolean |
rotationType |
Determines the rotation methods by which to serve the versions. to serve versions. |
String |
Optional |
versionTargetingType |
Determines the targeting type by which to serve the versions. |
String |
Optional |
versionBasePath |
Internal |
Internal |
Internal |
initialLoadAsset |
Asset to be displayed initially. |
Enum |
Optional |
advancedRetargeting |
Internal. |
Internal object |
Internal |
In a Dynamic Creative ad, this object includes the IDs of the tags from the Dynamic Creative version. |
automaticOptimizationData |
Internal. |
Internal |
defaultImage |
Settings for the image that is displayed as the default. |
Required |
defaultImageClickthrough |
Click-through URL settings for the default image. |
Optional |
variables |
List of ad variables. |
Array of variable Object |
Optional |
additionalAssets |
An array of additional assets used in the ad. |
Array of additionalAsset Objects |
Optional |
customInteractions |
Tracks how users interact with various assets in an ad. |
Array of adCustomInteraction Objects |
Optional |
performAutoVideoTranscoding |
Determines whether video transcoding is performed automatically. |
Boolean |
Optional |
Default value: True |
adTranscodingStatus |
Indicates the status of the auto-transcoding process for the ad. |
String |
Read-only |
downloadMode |
Determines the method in which the ad loads on the publisher's site. |
String |
Optional |
name |
Name of the ad. |
String |
Required |
masterAdId |
(In case of a placement ad) ID of the master ad it originated from, empty otherwise. |
Long |
Read-only |
changed |
(In case of a placement ad) Indicates whether the ad was modified since it was created from its master ad. |
Boolean |
Read-only |
adStatus |
Status of the ad. |
String |
Read-only |
enabled |
(For serving purposes) Indicates whether the ad is enabled or disabled. |
Boolean |
Optional |
Default value: True |
adFormat |
(In case of custom ad format) Base ad format of the ad. |
String |
Required |
For ads using a custom ad format it represents the base ad format |
adFormatId |
ID of the ad format |
Long |
Optional |
adFormatName |
Name of the ad format, for example, 'HTML5 Expandable Ad'. |
String |
Read-only |
accountId |
ID of the account of the user who created the ad. |
Long |
Required |
accountName |
Name of the account of the user who created the ad. |
String |
Read-only |
placementId |
(Placement ad only) ID of the placement to which the ad is attached. |
Long |
Read-only |
placementName |
(Placement ad only) Name of the placement to which the ad is attached. |
String |
Read-only |
placementType |
(Placement ad only) Type of placement the ad is attached to. |
String |
Read-only |
siteId |
(Placement ad only) ID of the site of the placement to which the ad is attached. |
Long |
Read-only |
siteName |
(Placement ad only) Name of the site of the placement to which the ad is attached. |
String |
Read-only |
adAssignmentData |
Assignment data of the ad, for example campaign or brand |
Read-only |
mainClickthrough |
Main click-through that will be fired when clicking on the ad. |
Optional |
adURLs |
List of all ad 3rd party tracking URLs. |
Array of |
Optional |
pricingSize |
(For billing purposes) Size of the ad, calculated in KB. |
Long |
Read-only |
overallSize |
Size of the ad (in KB) including all of its assets. |
Long |
Read-only |
Size of the ad (in KB) calculated by the asset that is initially loaded. |
Long |
Read-only |
width |
Width of the ad. |
Long |
Read-only |
height |
Height of the ad. |
Long |
Read-only |
dimensions |
String representation of the dimensions as width x height. |
String |
Read-only |
templateScriptName |
Maps to the correct base AdConfig.js file. |
String |
Read-only |
urlTokens |
Determines the tokens that are appended to URLs. |
String |
Read-only |
minAudioVersion |
Internal. |
Internal |
Internal |
fourthPartyTag |
Deprecated. |
String |
Read-only |
adChoicesStatus |
Determines whether the ad choices icon is shown. |
Boolean |
Optional |
Default value: False |
adChoicesLocation |
Determines the relative location of the ad choices icon on the ad. |
String |
Optional |
Default value: Top right |
qastatus |
Indicates the status of the ad QA review process. |
String |
Read-only |
numberOfPlacementAds |
Number of placement ads the master ad has (only the ones visible to the user). |
Integer |
Read-only |
overallNumberOfPlacementAds |
Number of placements ad the master ad has (All). |
Integer |
Read-only |
servingMethod |
Describes the type of serving method used to display the ad. |
String |
Read-only |
analyticsData |
Provides ad analytics statistics on the ad. |
Read-only |
analyticsSettings |
Definitions for analytics settings. |
Optional with default values |
customFields |
User-defined custom field name inherited from the account level. |
Optional |
massVersioning |
Indicates if the ad is a mass versioned ad. |
Boolean |
Optional |
This seems to appear both here and in it's implementations. Duplicates can be ignored (see HTML5 ads). |
usedAsTemplate |
Indicates if this ad is used as part of an ad template. |
Boolean |
Ready-only |
unSavedTemplateAd |
Indicates if the ad was created from Ad Builder for HTML5 from an ad template but was not actually saved yet. |
Boolean |
Ready-only |
adTemplateId |
ID of the ad template from which ad originated. |
Long |
Ready-only |
feedEnabled |
Indicates if the Dynamic Creative feed is set up for the ad. |
Boolean |
Ready-only? |
feedStatus |
Status of the Dynamic Creative feed. |
String |
Read-only |
enableTimeBasedServing |
Determines time-based settings according to the brand's time zone or the user's time zone. |
Boolean |
Optional |
servingTimeZoneType |
Set on the account level. |
String |
Read-only |
videoAudioAdAssetData |
Internal. |
Internal |
Internal |
native |
Determines if this ad is a native DCO ad. |
Boolean |
Optional |
adFeatures |
List of ad features. |
Array of |
Read-only |
createdBy |
ID of the user who created the ad. |
Long |
Read-only |
createdByName |
Name of the user who created the ad. |
String |
Read-only |
createdByAccount |
ID of the account of the user who created the ad. |
Long |
Read-only |
createdByAccountName |
Name of the account of the user who created the ad. |
String |
Read-only |
createdOn |
Date and time the ad was created (Date epoch). |
Date (Long) |
Read-only |
lastUpdatedBy |
ID of the user who last updated the ad. |
Long |
Read-only |
lastUpdatedByName |
Name of the user who last updated the ad. |
String |
Read-only |
lastUpdatedByAccount |
ID of the account of the user who last updated the ad. |
Long |
Read-only |
lastUpdatedByAccountName |
Name of the account of the user who last updated the ad. |
String |
Read-only |
lastUpdateOn |
Date and time the ad was last updated (Date epoch). |
Date (Long) |
Read-only |
id |
ID of the ad. |
Long |
Read-only |
relationsBag |
Internal. |
Read-only |
version |
Internal. |
Long |
Read-only |