Note: The Required column includes the following values:
Required: The field must be included in the POST call.
Read-only: The field is received in the GET call and required in the PUT call. It is not required in the POST call. You cannot edit this field.
Optional: If the field was received in the GET call, include it in the PUT call. This field is editable.
Internal: (For Amazon Ad Server (AAS) internal use) If the field was received in the GET call, include it in the PUT call.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Notes |
type |
Type of entity. |
String |
Required |
BasePanelsSettings |
preloadPanels |
Determines whether to load the panel attributes before expansion. |
Boolean |
Required |
panelFrequency |
Time period to 'panelFrequencyTimes' field. |
String |
Required |
panelFrequencyTimes |
How many times per user to auto expand the panel. |
Integer |
Required |
multiplePanels |
Show single panel at a time. |
Boolean |
Required |
defaultPanelAutoExpansion |
Auto expand default panel when ad is loaded. |
String |
Required |
ExpandedPanelWidth |
Expanded panel width. |
Integer |
Required |
ExpandedPanelHeight |
Expanded panel height. |
Integer |
Required |
PanelPixelOffsetsX |
Panel pixel offsets X. |
Integer |
Required |
PanelPixelOffsetsY |
Panel pixel offsets Y. |
Integer |
Required |