HTTP Method |
Description |
/ads/{id} |
Retrieves a specific ad by ID. |
/ads/getByIds |
Retrieves ads by IDs. |
/ads/ |
Returns all ads according to specific parameters. NoteNote: Tracking only placement ads will not be displayed in this list (only ads with creative assets). |
/assets/assetsOrFolders |
Returns all assets according to specific parameters. |
/assets/folders/{id} |
Retrieves a specific asset folder details by folder ID. |
/ads/ |
Creates and saves a new ad. |
/ads/Campaign/{campaign id}/saveAndAssign/ |
Saves and assigns an ad to a campaign. |
/ads/assignMasterAd/ |
Assigns a master ad to a campaign, advertiser, or brand. |
/ads/unassignMasterAd/ |
Unassigns a master ad from a campaign. |
/ads/duplicate/ |
Duplicates ads according to a specific number of copies. |
/ads/validateAdNameUniqueness/ |
Validates the uniqueness of the name of the ad. |
/ads/calculateAdProperties/ |
Calculates the various sizes of the ad. |
/ads/{id} |
Deletes an ad from the system. |
/ads/delete |
Deletes ads from the system. |
/assets/files/{folder id} |
Upload an asset to a folder. |
/assets/folders |
Create an asset folder. |
/assets/folders/{folder id} |
Update an asset folder. |
/assets/external/{folder id} |
Upload external assets. |
/ads/{id} |
Updates an existing ad. |
/ads/ |
Updates existing ads. |
/ads/generateFromManifest/ |
Retrieves an ad based on an HTML5 Workspace. |
For PUT calls, do the following:
For any PUT method that updates an object, make sure that you include the entire "result": object from the GET response in the request body. If there is missing information, even if it is read-only, the request might fail or override the existing fields with the new values.
You must also change the "result": to "entities": and make the entities contents into an array. For example, here is the output from the GET request:
{ "result": { "type": "Advertiser", ... } }
You should make the following modifications, including your specific modifications, to the json object that you submit for the request.
{ "entities": [{ "type": "Advertiser", ... }] }
For POST calls, do the following:
Include the fields marked as Required, as indicated in the corresponding Object article.
Format the JSON object as follows:
{ "entities": [{ "type": "Advertiser", ... }] }
Retrieves a specific ad by ID.
A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response body that shows the ad's details.
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Retrieves a list of ads according to IDs.
A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response body that shows the list of ads and their details.
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Retrieves all ads according to specific parameters.
Name |
description |
type |
required |
notes |
ID |
List of IDs to fetch. |
Long |
Required |
from |
Starting index by which to fetch new campaigns for paging purposes. |
Long |
Required |
Getting multiple entities requires using from and max query parameters. Please see Query and sorting options page for limit. |
max |
Maximum number of campaigns to fetch for each page. |
Long |
Required |
sortOrder |
Sort order ASC or DESC; required if sort field name is specified. |
String |
Optional |
enrich |
Add various data to the ad entity. |
Integer |
Optional |
q |
Filtering options for the request. (See here). |
JSON Object |
Optional |
View parameters
A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response body that shows the list of ads and their details.
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Retrieves all assets according to specific parameters.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Notes |
Asset.Names |
List of asset names to fetch when fetching for assets. |
String |
Required |
Separate multiple asset names with comma, i.e. Video1.mp4,Video2.mp4 |
AssetFolder.parentId |
Folder ID to begin search. Enter -1 to search the root folder. |
Long |
Required |
assetSort |
Asset sort criteria. |
String |
Optional |
View values: displayName – sort by name. |
recursiveSearch |
Search sub folders. |
Boolean |
Optional |
View value: true, false. |
from |
Starting index by which to fetch new assets for paging purposes. |
Long |
Required |
Getting multiple entities requires using from and max query parameters. |
max |
Maximum number of assets to fetch for each page. |
Long |
Required |
sortOrder |
Sort order ASC or DESC; required if sort field name is specified. |
String |
Optional |
View values: asc, desc. |
Retrieves a specific asset folder details by folder ID.
GET (Extracting specific entity) -{id}
GET (All the entities, i.e.) -
A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response body that shows the ad's details.
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Creates or saves a new ad. The ad creation process is dynamic according to the ad format you select. Different parameters are available depending on the type of ad.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Notes |
Body |
Body request containing ad to create. |
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Unassigns a master ad from a campaign.
Duplicates ads according to a specific number of copies.
Validates the uniqueness of the ad name.
suggestUniqueName |
Determines if the app should suggest names that are not yet taken. |
Boolean |
Optional |
Default value is false. |
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Calculates the various sizes of the ad, for example, overall size or pricing size.
Body |
Request containing ad body to create. |
Required |
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A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code with the updated results in the response body.
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Deletes an ad according to a specific ID.
Deletes multiple ads according to specific IDs. You cannot delete ads that are live.
Body |
Request containing ads to delete |
Long |
Required |
Upload an asset to an asset folder.
Content-Type must be multipart/form-data.
Folder ID |
The folder to upload the asset to. |
Long |
Required |
Body |
Request containing asset to upload. |
Binary |
Required |
Create an asset folder.
Body |
Request containing folder to create. |
Long |
Required |
Deletes multiple ads according to specific IDs. You cannot delete ads that are live.
Body |
Request containing ads to delete |
Long |
Required |
PUT{folder id}
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Upload external assets.
Body |
Request containing external assets to upload. |
Long |
Required |
POST{folder id}
Updates the properties of an existing ad.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Notes |
id |
ID of ad to fetch. |
Long |
Required |
Body |
Body request containing ad to update. |
Body |
Required |
isOverride |
Determines whether to override the placement's ads with changes from the master ad (if the master ad is the one being updated). |
Boolean |
Optional |
useManifest |
Determines whether to update the ad using ad manifest. |
Boolean |
Optional |
Default value is false. |
enrich |
Add various data to the ad entity. |
Integer |
Optional |
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A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response body that shows the updated ad resource.
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Creates and returns an ad based on a manifest.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Notes |
Body |
Request containing ad to create. |
Required |
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The following table lists the possible HTTP status codes in responses.
Error Code |
String |
Notes |
50001 |
Failed to save ads {id} - {id}. |
50002 |
Failed to retrieve ads {id} - {id}. |
50003 |
Failed to retrieve ads {id} - {id}. |
50004 |
Failed to retrieve all ads - {id}. |
50005 |
Failed to retrieve all ads in campaign ID {id}. |
50006 |
Failed to retrieve all ads in account ID {id}. |
50007 |
Failed to delete ad {id}. |
50008 |
Failed to update ads {id} - {id}. |
50009 |
Failed to copy ads {id} - {id}. |
50010 |
Failed to assign master ads {id} to {id} - {id}. |
50011 |
Failed to unassign master ads {id} - {id}. |
50012 |
Failed to attach master ad {id} to placements {id} - {id}. |
50013 |
Failed to retrieve placement ads for master ad {id}. |
50014 |
Failed to retrieve placement ads according to placement ID {id}. |
50015 |
Failed to retrieve and change status {id} of placement ads attached to master ad {id}. |
50016 |
Failed to retrieve Account with ads in campaign ID {0} and account ID {1}. |
50017 |
Failed to save master ads {id} - {id}. |
50018 |
Failed to calculate ad size for ad {id}. |
50019 |
Failed to detach tracking ad from placement: {id} |
50019 |
Master ad ID {id} with placement ID {id} does not have placement ads - {id}. |
(Both listed in automation as 50019.) |
50020 |
Failed to assign master ads to campaign {0} - {1}. |
50021 |
Failed to unassign master ads from campaign {0} - {1}. |
50022 |
Failed to merge custom interactions between request and database. |
50023 |
Failed to determine if the ad could be updated. |
50024 |
Failed to detach master ad {0} from placements {1} - {2}. |
50025 |
Failed to update asset. |
50026 |
Failed to delete asset. |
50027 |
Failed to validate ad. |
50028 |
Failed to save ad QA requests: {0} - {1}. |
50029 |
Failed to delete ad QA request: {0}. |
50030 |
Failed to update ad QA request: {0} - {1} |
50031 |
The asset video auto-transcoding job failed. |
50032 |
Failed to determine the number of placement ads attached to the master ad ID {0}. |
50033 |
The assigned entity type should be either an Account Advertiser Campaign or Brand. |
50034 |
Failed to change ad assignment. Ad {id} has placement ads. |
50035 |
Failed to change ad assignment. Ad {id} name used in campaign. |
50036 |
Failed to change ad assignment. Ad {id} does not exist. |
50037 |
Failed to change ad assignment. Ad {id} name. |
50038 |
No placement ads of the master ad ID {id} in placement ID {id} was found. |
50039 |
Failed to change ad assignment. Ad {id} is already {string}. |
50040 |
Failed to publish ad. Ad %s does not exist. |
50041 |
Failed to publish ad. Master ad {id} cannot by published. |
50042 |
Failed to publish ad. Ad {id} not attached. |
50043 |
Failed to {0} ad. Ad {1} does not exist. |
50044 |
Failed to calculate ad dimensions for ad {0} {1}. |
50045 |
Failed to generate the default panel using asset for ad {0} - {1}. |
50046 |
Failed to encode tag for ad {0}. |
50047 |
Failed to find the main HTML file in the Workspace. |
50048 |
Failed to create test page. |
50050 |
Ads {0} not found. |
50051 |
Campaigns {0} not found. |
50052 |
Accounts {0} not found. |
50053 |
Assets {0} not found. |
50054 |
Placements {0} not found. |
50055 |
Failed to determine Orch Type. Missing Orch Types Enum value for {0}. |
50056 |
PrimaryCreativeAgency(s) {0} not found. |
50057 |
AssetFolders {0} not found. |
50075 |
Failed to determine Orch Type. Missing Orch Types Enum value for {0}. |
50076 |
Ad QA requests {0} not found. |
50077 |
Ad formats {0} not found. |
50078 |
Failed to get the latest ad QA infos for ids: {id}. |
50079 |
Ad QA info(s) {0} not found. |
50080 |
Failed to save ad QA info {id} - {id}. |
50081 |
failed to delete ad QA info: {id}. |
50082 |
Failed to update ad QA info {id} - {id}. |
50083 |
Missing campaign manager account ID on ad assignment data of ad {id}. |
50084 |
Failed to duplicate ad: {0}. |
50085 |
Duplicating placement ad {0} is not allowed. |
50086 |
Ad {0} does not contain asset {1}. |
50087 |
Ad templates {0} not found. |
50088 |
No ad templates were found. |
50089 |
Ads {id} and {id} for QA must have the same advertiser and media agency. |
50090 |
Failed to change the ad assignment. Ad {0} is attached to a delivery group {1}. |
51001 |
Missing ad name. |
51018 |
The panel name is not unique {0}. |
51019 |
The additional asset name is not unique {0}. |
51020 |
The additional asset is a duplicate {0}. |
51021 |
Placement ID is missing. |
51022 |
Additional asset size exceeds the limit of {0}. Please replace the asset. |
51023 |
The ad size exceeds the size limit. Please consider removing some assets from ad. |
51024 |
Null value in {string}. |
51025 |
Panel size exceeds the limit of {0}. Please replace it. |
51026 |
The default image size exceeds the limit of {id}. Please replace it. |
51027 |
The Preload banner size exceeds the limit of {id}. Please replace it. |
51028 |
The Rich Media banner size exceeds the limit of {id}. Please replace it. |
51029 |
The HTML5 Workspace size exceeds the limit of {id}. Please replace it. |
51030 |
Panel file type {id} not allowed. Please replace it. |
51031 |
Additional asset file type {id} not allowed. Please replace it. |
51032 |
Default image file type {id} not allowed. Please replace it. |
51033 |
Preload banner file type {id} not allowed. Please replace it. |
51034 |
The HTML5 Workspace file type {id} not allowed. Please replace it. |
51035 |
The Rich Media banner file type {id} not allowed. Please replace it. |
51036 |
Property {id} cannot be changed in the {string} operation. |
51037 |
Update is denied. Select only ads with the same format type. |
51038 |
Update is denied. Selected ads include both master and placement ads. |
51039 |
The panel name exceeds the limit of {0} characters. |
51040 |
The additional asset name exceeds the limit of {0} characters. |
51041 |
Ad {0} is not applicable to placement {1}. |
51042 |
The AdFormat field does not match the Ad Entity type. |
51043 |
The tooltip is limited to 250 characters. |
51044 |
The number of panels exceeds the limit. Please remove some panels. |
51045 |
The number of custom interactions exceeds the limit. Please remove some custom interactions. |
51047 |
The name {name} is already used in ad ({id}). |
51048 |
The '{name}' name is used in Campaign (Ad {id}). |
51049 |
You cannot edit the placement ad name. |
51050 |
{0} |
51051 |
Assets must be set as linears or non-linears. |
51052 |
You cannot change the placement ID for ad {id}. |
51053 |
You cannot modify the data for ad {id}. |
51054 |
The placement ID property must be null for master ad - ad {id}. |
51055 |
The {id} placement ad must contain a placement ID. |
51056 |
Cannot change the master ad ID for placement ad - ad {id}. |
51057 |
Cannot change the ad format for ad {id}. |
51058 |
Failed to delete ad {id}. Only master ads can be deleted. |
51059 |
Failed to delete ad {id}. Ad is attached to a placement. |
51060 |
Failed to delete ad {id}. Tracking pixel ads cannot be deleted. |
51061 |
Changing the status for ad {0} is denied. |
51062 |
Failed to {0} ad. MasterAd cannot be {1}. |
51063 |
Failed to delete ad due to impressions {0} - ({1} impressions). |
51064 |
The 1st party ad ID cannot be null or empty when generate multiple tags is false - placement ID {0}. |
51065 |
The placement {0} contains duplicate 1st party ad IDs. |
51066 |
The 1st party ad ID token cannot be null or empty when generate multiple tags is false - placement ID {0}. |
51067 |
The linears do not contain actual linear objects. |
51068 |
AS3 is required when creating Flash ads. |
51069 |
The In-Stream ad contains an incorrect asset type. |
51070 |
The In-Stream Interactive linears contain too many HTML5 assets. |
51071 |
The linear exceeds the size limit of {0}. Please replace it. |
51073 |
The non-linear size exceeds the size limit of {0}. Please replace it. |
51074 |
The companion size exceeds the limit of {0}. Please replace it. |
51075 |
The name '{0}' is already used in this Save Request (Ad {1}). |
51076 |
Linear duration setting should be an integer. |
51077 |
Linear duration setting should be greater than 0. |
51078 |
Ad {0} cannot be deleted. It is currently assigned to multiple delivery groups {1}. |
51079 |
An incorrect asset type has been assigned to your In-Stream companion. |
51080 |
An incorrect asset type has been assigned to your In-Stream non-linears. |
51081 |
In-Stream ads can have only one event of the type {0}. |
51082 |
Additional Asset Name cannot be null or empty. |
51083 |
Creation date or Creator ID cannot not be changed. |
51084 |
Advanced Companion of type {0} is not a supported format (Ad ID {1}). |
51085 |
Advanced Companion {0} does not exist. |
51092 |
You cannot change the site ID for ad {0}. |
52001 |
User not permitted to perform action. |
52002 |
User not permitted to perform {0} on entity {1} with ID {2}. |
52003 |
Failed to apply data ownership to {0} with ID {1}. |
53001 |
Failed to create AdConfig for ad {0} - {1}. |
53002 |
Failed to update AdConfig for ad {0}. |
53003 |
Failed to save AdConfig for ad {0}. |
53004 |
Failed to delete AdConfig for ad {0}. |
53005 |
Failed to retrieve AdConfig for ad {0}. |
53006 |
Failed to find an In-Stream template for {0}. |
53007 |
Failed to retrieve VAST variables for XSLT file. |
53008 |
Failed to retrieve the following In-Stream template parameters {0}. |
53009 |
Failed to save the In-Stream template due to unsupported characters. |
53050 |
AdConfig {0} not found. |
54001 |
{0} custom interactions were added and {0} were deleted because custom interactions are included in assets. |
54002 |
Asset video auto-transcoding failed due to {0}. |
54003 |
Asset video auto-transcoding failed for ad {0} due to {1}. |
55001 |
The default panel cannot be set by the user. |
55002 |
Failed to run specific format logic for ad {0} - {1}. |
55003 |
You can only set a single default panel for the ad. |
55004 |
A default panel was not set. |
55005 |
Asset {0} is cannot be used in more than one panel. |
55006 |
The format name is already being used. Please enter a new format name. |
55007 |
Name {0} is already in use by custom ad format{1}. Please use a different name. |
55008 |
Ad format data is missing from the ad. |
55009 |
Custom ad format id %s does not exist. |
55010 |
Failed to run custom ad format validation for ad {0} - {1}. |
55011 |
Ad format id {0} does not belong to the specified base ad format {1}. |
55012 |
Changing enhanced option from {0} to {1} for ad %s is not allowed. |
55013 |
The Enhanced In-Stream ad format does not support an SWF asset with interactions. Please use the In-Stream interactive ad format. |
55014 |
Failed to validate custom ad format. |
55015 |
Base ad format cannot be changed. |
55016 |
Format name cannot be changed. |
55017 |
Formats that are available to all platform accounts cannot be selected for specific accounts. |
55018 |
Failed to apply data ownership. |
55019 |
The number of scripts exceeds the maximum limit of 5. Please remove some scripts. |
55020 |
Failed to run custom ad format logic for ad {0} - {1}. |
55021 |
Variable with key {0} is defined more than once. |
55022 |
Only the default value for a variable can be changed. |
55023 |
Variable key {0} is not compliant with JavaScript requirements. |
55024 |
Variable with key {0} has a default value ({1}) that is not of type {2}. |
55025 |
Variable with key {0} default value cannot be empty when the mandatory property is set to 'true'. |
55026 |
The Mandatory Field parameter for Variable key {0} is selected therefore the Show in Ad UI parameter must also be selected. |
55027 |
Please enter a default value for Variable Key {0}. |
55028 |
'id' is not in the custom ad format range. |
55029 |
Custom ad format with id {0} already exists. |
55030 |
The In-Stream template ID {0} does not exist. |
55031 |
A Standard Banner ad cannot include video assets. Please remove the asset and update the Workspace or select a different format. |
55032 |
The ad {0} can not be attached because it is not assigned to a campaign. |
55033 |
Ad {0} must have panel settings. |
55034 |
Ad {0} must have a workspace defined to support polite loading. |
55035 |
Ad {0} must have an initial asset selected in order to support polite loading. |
55036 |
Ad {0} must have Download mode selected in order to support instant/polite loading |
55038 |
Event {0} cannot be defined more than once. |
55039 |
Event {0} cannot be defined for this ad format. |
55040 |
Ad template with ID %s already exists. |
55041 |
Templates marked as available to all accounts cannot have assigned accounts. |
55042 |
Failed to validate this ad template. |
55043 |
Number of applicable authoring tools cannot be 0. Please add at least one. |
55044 |
The internal ad data ID does not match the template ID. |
55045 |
The user-defined ID is supported only for migrated custom ad formats. |
55046 |
Accounts Availability and Applicable Accounts mismatch. |
55047 |
Accounts Availability does not support this option. |
55048 |
The provided ad format and the ad format set in the Manifest file do not match. |
55049 |
Safety check failure. |
55050 |
Asset {0} cannot be deleted since it is being used by ad {1}. |
55051 |
Workspace {0} cannot be deleted since it is being used by ad {1}. |
55053 |
Asset {0} is not part of the HTML5 workspace used in this ad. |
56001 |
Failed to save custom ad format {0} - {1}. |
56002 |
Failed to retrieve all custom ad formats - {0}. |
56003 |
Failed to update custom ad format {0} - {1}. |
56004 |
Failed to delete custom ad format {0}. |
56006 |
HTML5 folder {0} not contain the index.html file. |
56007 |
Failed to initialize ad events combinations. |
56008 |
Ad event {0} exceeds instance count limit of {1}. |
56009 |
Ad event {0} was not passed to the placement ad because it does not meet the include/exclude site condition. |
56010 |
Failed to publish detach message for placement {0}. |
56011 |
Failed to publish ad {0}. |
56014 |
Failed to get ad template {0}. |
56015 |
Failed to get all ad templates - {0}. |
56016 |
Failed to get ad templates {0} - {1}. |
56017 |
Failed to save ad template {0} - {1}. |
56018 |
Failed to update ad template {0} - {1}. |
56020 |
Failed to get the templates assets folder. |
56021 |
Failed to create a folder for the template assets. |
56023 |
Failed to propagate Manifest file data into the ad. |
56024 |
Failed to find the Manifest file in the selected Workspace. |
56025 |
Failed to propagate basic ad properties configured in the Manifest file. |
56026 |
Failed to propagate polite loading ad properties configured in the Manifest file. |
56027 |
Failed to propagate panels settings configured in the Manifest file. |
56028 |
Failed to propagate custom interactions configured in the Manifest File. |
56029 |
Failed to propagate default image configured in the Manifest File. |
56030 |
No ads were found that meet the search criteria. |
56031 |
Failed to get ads by asset IDs {0}. |
56032 |
Failed to get ads by workspace IDs {0}. |