Note: The Required column includes the following values:
Required: The field must be included in the POST call.
Read-only: The field is received in the GET call and required in the PUT call. It is not required in the POST call. You cannot edit this field.
Optional: If the field was received in the GET call, include it in the PUT call. This field is editable.
Internal: (For Amazon Ad Server (AAS) internal use) If the field was received in the GET call, include it in the PUT call.
type |
Type of the entity. |
String |
Required |
ThirdPartyActivity |
id |
ID of the 3rd party activity. |
Long |
Read-only |
Auto-generated, read-only value |
name |
Name of the entity. |
String |
Required |
activityType |
Type of 3rd party activity. |
String |
Required |
advertiserId |
ID of the advertiser. |
Integer |
Required |
Read-only parameter, auto-generated. |
relationsBag |
Internal. |
Internal |
version |
Internal. |
String |
Internal |
createdBy |
ID of the user who created the entity. |
Long |
Read-only |
createdByName |
Name of the user who created the entity. |
String |
Read-only |
createdByAccount |
ID of the account that created the entity. |
Long |
Read-only |
createdByAccountName |
Name of the account that created the entity. |
String |
Read-only |
createdOn |
Date of creation (date epoch). |
Long |
Read-only |
lastUpdatedBy |
ID of the user who was last to update the entity. |
Long |
Read-only |
lastUpdatedByName |
Name of the user who was last to update the entity. |
String |
Read-only |
lastUpdatedByAccount |
ID of the account that was last to updated the entity. |
Long |
Read-only |
lastUpdateByAccountName |
Name of the account that was last to update the entity. |
String |
Read-only |
lastUpdateOn |
Date of the last update (date epoch). |
Long |
Read-only |
rulesCount |
Number of activity rules. |
Integer |
Read-only |
tagManagersCount |
Number of tag managers that use this 3rd party activity. |
Integer |
Read-only |
conversionsCount |
Number of conversions that use this 3rd party activity. |
Integer |
Read-only |
tagManagerIds |
Array of IDs for tag managers that use this 3rd party activity. |
Array of integer |
Read-only |
accessLevel |
Internal. |
Internal |
Internal |
nxtTagManagement |
Flag that indicates whether the activity was migrated from MDX2. |
Boolean |
Read-only |
code |
3rd party URL or code. You can add tokens or variables as required. |
String |
Required |
noScriptMode |
Enables running 3rd party activities when JavaScript cannot run on the web page. |
Boolean |
Optional |
piggyBack |
Use this object to attach a 3rd party activity to a conversion activity. |
Required |
conditions |
Events that, when met, cause the platform to fire a 3rd party activity. |
Required |
conversionIds |
Internal. |
Internal |
Internal |
codeVariableIds |
IDs of variable tokens that are included in the 3rd party code. |
Array of integer |
Optional |