For PUT calls, do the following:
For any PUT method that updates an object, make sure that you include the entire "result": object from the GET response in the request body. If there is missing information, even if it is read-only, the request might fail or override the existing fields with the new values.
You must also change the "result": to "entities": and make the entities contents into an array. For example, here is the output from the GET request:
{ "result": { "type": "Advertiser", ... } }
You should make the following modifications, including your specific modifications, to the json object that you submit for the request.
{ "entities": [{ "type": "Advertiser", ... }] }
For POST calls, do the following:
Include the fields marked as Required, as indicated in the corresponding Object article.
Format the JSON object as follows:
{ "entities": [{ "type": "Advertiser", ... }] }
Retrieves an existing account. Can be filtered according to query parameters.
A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response body that shows the specific account's details.
{ "result": { "type": "Account", "id": 1083742600, "relationsBag": { "parents": { "account": { "id": 1083742600, "name": null, "internal": null }, "advertiser": null, "brand": null, "campaign": null, "site": null }, "children": { "advertisers": { "count": 7 }, "brands": { "count": 9 }, "campaigns": { "count": 7 }, "users": { "count": 4 } }, "creativeAccountContact": false }, "version": 1539011492099850200, "createdBy": null, "createdByName": "ChrisChapman", "createdByAccount": 1073741826, "createdByAccountName": "UniversalAdvertising", "createdOn": 1519724752812, "lastUpdatedBy": 1073741800, "lastUpdatedByName": "ChrisChapman", "lastUpdatedByAccount": 1073741800, "lastUpdatedByAccountName": "UniversalAdvertising", "lastUpdateOn": 1539011492097, "name": "0316C46fHy111333", "status": "Enabled", "adminSettings": { "type": "AdminSettings", "regionalSettings": { "type": "RegionalSettings", "defaultTimeZone": "GMT_Plus_04", "market": { "type": "Market", "id": 4, "name": "Pacific" } }, "defaultContacts": { "type": "DefaultContacts", "relationsBag": null, "sizmekContacts": [ { "type": "DefaultSizmekContact", "id": 16142220918700, "relationsBag": null, "contactId": 1073741800, "name": "FirstSizmekUser", "campaignRole": "ClientServicesManager" }, { "type": "DefaultSizmekContact", "id": 16142220918700, "relationsBag": null, "contactId": 1073741800, "name": "FirstSizmekUser", "campaignRole": "SalesManager" } ], "campaignManagerContacts": [], "creativeManagerContacts": [], "creativeAccounts": [] }, "thirdPartyTracking": "CustomParameters", "servingSettings": { "type": "ServingSettings", "collectBelowTheFold": true, "dfCollectionID": 1945764100, "pathLength": 0, "visibilityMinimumSurface": -950344327, "visibilityMinimumDuration": 957968542, "agencyVisibilityMinimumDuration": 1467355797, "agencyVisibilityMinimumSurface": -845312023, "adChoicesCertificationProgramID": -1899896315, "adChoicesClickthroughURL": "wPcwebRlQ9", "disableCookie": true, "saveAdCookie": true, "retargetingCookieWindow": -2026386520, "deviceIntelligenceTypeId": -1244854494 }, "campaignSettings": { "type": "CampaignSettings", "hardStopMethod": "KEEP_SERVING_AS_USUAL", "creativeManagerAccess": true, "traffickingMode": "AdvancedMode", "targetAudiencePriorityPolicy": "Server" }, "privacy": { "type": "Privacy", "adMarker": { "includeInAllAds": false, "regulationProgram": "IAB_EU", "markerClickthroughURL": null }, "disableCookies": false }, "video": { "type": "Video", "autoTranscode": true } }, "billingSettings": { "type": "BillingSettings", "city": "h6IGmR8yq7", "zipCode": "sOz8yU1uhl", "vat_tin": "UWbyoWLUCL", "billingUserId": "1083742600", "billingUserName": "9hCRP04bjL", "billingAddress": "PvNzFczGVm", "country": { "type": "Country", "countryCode": "AR", "name": "Argentina", "state": { "type": "State", "stateCode": null, "name": null } }, "billingAccountName": "ixcki67zqS" }, "analyticsSettings": { "type": "AnalyticsSettings", "ignoreOverDelivery": true, "verificationMode": "NO_COLLECTION", "viewabilityThreshold": { "type": "ViewabilityThreshold", "minimumSurface": 50, "minimumDuration": 1 }, "instreamViewabilityThreshold": { "type": "ViewabilityThreshold", "minimumSurface": 50, "minimumDuration": 2 } }, "office": { "type": "Office", "id": 59, "name": "Australia", "marketId": 4, "defaultCurrencyId": 2 }, "assetsAccountSettings": null, "customFields": null, "currency": { "type": "Currency", "id": 2, "name": "Australian Dollar", "currencyLetters": "AUD" }, "internal": true, "legacyRocketfuelAccount": { "type": "LegacyRocketfuelAccount", "rocketfuelId": "HVjSpZT6_D", "salesforceId": "zNxC4dcM33" }, "partnerAccounts": null, "expandableAccounts": [], "accountTypes": { "type": "AccountTypes", "campaignManager": true, "creativeManager": true, "payingAccount": true }, "accessLevel": "Full", "upgraded": "None", "clientMetricCollector": true, "note": "wF6DUGWtzA", "x_api_key": null, "cookieSync": null, "systemIntegrations": null, "systemLanguage": "English", "accountAPISettings": { "type": "AccountAPISettings", "isSignedAPITermsAndConditions": false } } }
Retrieves multiple accounts. Can be filtered according to query parameters.
from |
Starting index by which to fetch new accounts (for paging purposes). |
Long |
Required |
Getting multiple entities requires using from and max query parameters. |
max |
Maximum accounts to fetch each paging. |
Long |
Required |
q |
Filtering options for the request (see here ). |
String |
Optional |
Example of query string: q={"1":{"ID":["1073746545","1083742600","1083742713"]}} NoteNote: The date is according to the Unix epoch timestamp. View query string values
order |
Sort order ASC or DESC, required if sort field name is specified (see here). |
String |
Optional NoteNote: Required if a sort field name is specified. |
By default, the API response is ascending. |
sort |
Sort by field name (see here ). |
String |
Optional |
A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response body that shows the account details. The metadata object specifies the total number of accounts.
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"DefaultContacts", "relationsBag": null, "sizmekContacts": [ { "type": "DefaultSizmekContact", "id": 16739089973270, "relationsBag": null, "contactId": 1073741830, "name": "FirstSizmekUser", "campaignRole": "ClientServicesManager" }, { "type": "DefaultSizmekContact", "id": 16739089973271, "relationsBag": null, "contactId": 1073741830, "name": "FirstSizmekUser", "campaignRole": "SalesManager" } ], "campaignManagerContacts": [ { "type": "DefaultCampaignManagerContact", "id": 26842183008256, "relationsBag": null, "contactId": 1073754082, "name": "JohanaA", "accountId": 1073746545, "campaignRole": "MediaPlanner" } ], "creativeManagerContacts": [ { "type": "DefaultCreativeManagerContact", "id": 68911400812570, "relationsBag": null, "contactId": 1083742162, "name": "UKc1QxkmHE", "accountId": 1083742133, "campaignRole": "Designer" } ], "creativeAccounts": [ { "id": 68911400812571, "accountId": 1083742133, "name": "Hola Test", "primaryCreative": false } ] }, "thirdPartyTracking": 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